Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pajamas and Pancakes

We decided on a Pajamas and Pancakes party for Harper's 2nd birthday.  Harper and all of her friends wore their favorite pajamas for the party while feasting on pancakes with all the toppings!  Everyone had so much fun!!!

 "Eggs and Bacon" favors for the kids!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Lunch!

Aaron went and had Thanksgiving lunch with Graysen at school on Wednesday.  Unfortunately, Drew was home sick with a fever.  We promised that we would go and have lunch with him soon!

Daisy Scouts

Graysen is a Daisy Scout this year!  Here she is at one of her troop meetings with her fellow Daisies!

Halloween 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Book Character Parade

Drew and Graysen had the book character parade at school on Halloween day.  Drew dressed up as Boba Fett from Star Wars and Graysen is a clown.

Carving Pumpkins

Drew and Graysen love carving pumpkins.  This was the first year that Harper really got help with her pumpkin and she wasn't sure that she liked getting her hands dirty.  

Halloween Party with Graysen

Graysen had her Halloween party at school today.  Harper and I decided to come and visit with her.

Ballet Observation Day

Graysen showing off her moves at dance!